Become a Research Volunteer

Zel’s Clinical Research Department is continually conducting new studies that require clinical research subjects. You can read about these studies here. If you are interested in participating in current clinical research trials at Zel’s skin care clinic and would like more information, please contact the research coordinator, Mona Selim, by phone at 651-364-6289 or email at

You may also join our research volunteer database for clinical trials being conducted now or in the future. Submit a research volunteer form.

Backed by Results

You deserve to know that the recommendations we make have been proven to be safe and effective.  Your skin only deserves the best, and your hard earned money should be used on treatments that provide results.

Our Clinical Research Department is one of the reasons Zel Skin & Laser Specialists has a national reputation in skin and laser care.   We conduct numerous clinical trials (scientific studies of how a new medicine or treatment works) and Dr. Brian Zelickson, Zel’s medical director, is the principal investigator for all of our studies. Assisting Dr. Zelickson on these projects is Zel’s research coordinator, Mona Selim, and members of our clinical staff.

Benefiting You through Research

Findings from the clinical trials conducted at Zel often lead to new and improved treatments. After the studies are completed, the results are presented at national medical meetings and frequently published in peer–review medical journals.

The research we conduct at Zel benefits our patients directly. Because of these studies, we are able to obtain new, effective technologies — and to develop experience using them — before they become available to the general public.


Dr. Brian Zelickson is one of the very few physicians in the world who participates in developing new energy-based medical technology for Dermatology at Zel Skin & Laser Specialists. We have worked with a majority of the companies in this field including Candela, Thermage, Reliant, Palomar, Sciton, Lumenis, Syneron, Gel–Del, Wave Rx. Ulthera, Eleme, and Zeltiq. We have received research grants and discounts on equipment. Dr. Zelickson serves on the Medical Advisory Board of Zeltiq, Lumenis, and Candela. Dr. Zelickson has also received stock options from Zeltiq as part of his Medical Board compensation. Dr. Zelickson has patents licensed by Candela and Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital.