Allergic Contact Rash Treatments

Allergic contact rashes are a common form of eczema. The condition can be acute or chronic skin inflammation or blistering. All manifestations of an allergic contact rash are triggered by an immune system response from exposure to an allergen.

However, figuring out which allergen causes the rash is not easy. Some people have contact with an allergen for years before developing an allergic rash. Some rashes appear immediately, but others are not visible until 2 or 3 days after exposure. Allergic contact rash treatments can effectively mitigate symptoms, but testing is necessary to determine the exact cause.


Allergic Contact Rash Causes

Common contact allergens include chemicals, especially those in fragrances, topical antibiotics, and cosmetics. Plants, such as poison ivy and poison oak, may also produce a rash, as can metals (especially nickel), latex, and dental or joint implants. Determining the cause is the key to finding an effective allergic contact rash treatment. We provide allergy patch testing and other skin allergy tests.


What Contact Rash Symptoms Look Like

Some allergic contact rashes persist, whereas others come and go. Also known as allergic contact dermatitis, most rashes will present in different ways, sometimes appearing as blotchy blisters or welts, dry, red skin, or scaly, itchy, swollen, cracked, or bumpy areas. Your body’s immune system will produce a response that is unique to your allergy, so anticipating a rash can be very difficult.

If you have a rash, avoid scratching the area, as that can cause an infection. If the rash does not clear within a few days, prompt treatment is important. Without allergic contact rash treatment, the skin will have trouble healing, and symptoms may worsen. The longer an allergic reaction persists, the more time and difficult is involved in treating it.

If a rash becomes painful or infected, seek medical attention as soon as possible, especially if it appears all over the body, is accompanied by a fever, appears suddenly, spreads rapidly, or produces blisters. These blisters can become open sores, which may lead to further complication.


Basic Formula for Allergic Contact Rash Recovery, Healing, and Improvement

The most effective allergic contact rash treatment is the removal or avoidance of the allergen. However, some allergens are difficult to isolate, and they may require a complete history of exposures to the home, workplace, and social hangouts. Sometimes, a patch test or spot test may be necessary to reveal the source of irritation.

Allergic contact rash treatments often include emollient and immune-modulating creams, immune-modulating drugs, oral steroids, or topical cream corticosteroids. Severe allergic contact rash treatments may also utilize immunosuppressive agents and phototherapy. Most treatments are only available with a doctor’s prescription.

When to See a Dermatologist for Allergic Contact Rash

Identifying an allergen is difficult, and contact dermatitis in children can be especially tricky to identify and treat. Luckily, Zel Skin & Laser Specialists are equipped to help you find the allergen causing your condition. We can deploy a range of allergy contact rash tests to find the treatment that works for your skin and body. If you have a rash that won’t go away, or if you suspect you may have an allergy, Contact Us to schedule an appointment or virtual visit today.

*Results may vary per patient. Services vary by location.