Put Your Best Chin Forward with Injections to Destroy Unwanted Submental Fat in Minneapolis

KYBELLA® from our Minneapolis-area team is the perfect solution to the dreaded double chin. You get older, gravity takes hold, and even if you haven’t gained weight, a double chin might appear. In recent decades, the only treatment options available to get rid of a double chin were liposuction and other forms of plastic surgery.

Luckily, skincare and medical technology have progressed and there is now a new, non-surgical treatment available for reducing fullness under the chin: KYBELLA®. This procedure can help patients with excess fat on the neck achieve long-term improvements in their appearance and profile.

The KYBELLA® treatment is the first in its class. The medicine is injected into fat under the chin, destroying targeted fat cells in this part of the body (submental fat). The active ingredient in a KYBELLA® treatment is synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule in the body. This substance aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

Once the treatment breaks down these fat cells, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. This results in a noticeable and lasting reduction in fullness under the chin.

What to Expect from KYBELLA® Treatment

Before the procedure, we will clean your skin, mark the proposed areas of treatment, and check with you to ensure that the target is right on the bullseye. We will then apply a numbing medicine to make the procedure more comfortable and inject KYBELLA® into the areas of unwanted fat.

After the procedure, you should expect to experience moderate swelling, redness, firmness, numbness, aching, and bruising in the treated area. These effects should resolve within a few days to a couple of weeks. Once the swelling goes down, you’ll start to see the results.

KYBELLA® results appear gradually, becoming apparent over several weeks. This happens as the fat cells are removed from the area by the body’s scavenger cells. Most patients will typically require two to four treatments to see maximum results, and these additional treatments can be scheduled six weeks apart as needed.

Remember that a KYBELLA® treatment is only available from medical professionals, and it is the only non-surgical procedure designed specifically to target below-thechin fat. If you want to make a change to your face or profile, this might be the product for you. Schedule a consultation to discover how this treatment can improve your confidence.

Why Choose Zel Skin & Laser Specialists for Your KYBELLA

At Zel Skin & Laser Specialists, we don’t leave your treatments to undertrained staff, non-medical personnel, or independent contract providers. We have four full-time RNs, three full-time estheticians, and two dedicated patient coordinators to ensure that our patients receive the best care possible—for each KYBELLA® treatment, as well as for every other service we offer. When it comes to cosmetic dermatology, you want to trust your providers. Our reputation for excellence means you can trust us with any of the procedures we provide.

If you’re interested in the KYBELLA® treatment, contact us to schedule a consultation today at either our Edina or Plymouth locations. This procedure is part of a program that allows patients to enjoy exclusive savings on select Allergan treatments and products, like KYBELLA®, LATISSE®, and JUVEDERM®, by earning points to redeem for future visits.

*Results may vary per patient. Services vary by location.